Ofsted Report

Bole Hill Nursery

Previous inspection date

85 Bole Hill Road, SHEFFIELD, South Yorkshire, S6 5DD
Inspection date

The quality and standards of the early years provision
This inspection:
Previous inspection:

How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend
The contribution of the early years provision to the well-being of children
The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision

The quality and standards of the early years provision

This provision is good

The children are happy and they approach their play with confidence, excitement and enthusiasm. This is because practitioners provide a wide range of fun and stimulating activities that support children's individual progression.

Transitions within the setting and for children starting school are managed very well. This is because of effective key persons and involving children in role play and discussions about school.

Through practitioners working very well with external agencies, they effectively support all children's progression. In addition, by working with others in the community, they make use of all services to support children and families.

Implementation of a wide range of comprehensive policies and procedures contribute to safeguarding children and supports promoting their health, positive behaviour and safety.

It is not yet outstanding because

Practitioners are not always sharing consistent information with parents about children's learning. Therefore, how they promote continuity in children's sharply focused learning is occasionally not maximised.

Practitioners do not fully explore the possibilities open to them in regard to coaching and sharing their skills and expertise across the setting. Therefore, they are not always maximising on opportunities to promote professional development.

Information about this inspection
Inspections of registered early years provision are:

    Inspection activities

    The inspector arrived at the setting, she had a tour of all the premises and observed activities in all rooms and outdoors.

    The inspector held a meeting with the manager and held discussions with the Early Years Professional and other practitioners with key responsibilities.

    The inspector looked at children's assessment records, planning documentation, evidence of suitability of practitioners and a range of other documentation.

    The inspector took account of the views of parents and carers through information provided in the self-evaluation document, parental questionnaires and during discussions with the manager.

    Helen Blackburn

    Full Report
    Information about the setting
    Bole Hill Nursery and Pre-School was registered in 1997 and is on the Early Years Register. It is situated in the Walkley area of Sheffield and it is managed by The Unity Centre Limited. The setting serves the local and wider area and is accessible to all children. It operates from a converted school and children are cared for in six rooms, dependent on their ages. In addition, all children have access to an indoor hall. There are four enclosed areas available for outdoor play. The setting has a rabbit, two hamsters, stick inspects, African land snails and fish.

    The setting employs 38 members of childcare staff. Of these, 2 hold appropriate early years qualifications at level 2, 25 at level 3, one at level 5, two at level 6 and one is qualified to Early Years Professional Status.

    The setting opens Monday to Friday all year round. Sessions are from 8am until 6pm. Children attend for a variety of sessions. There are currently 151 children attending in the early years age group. The setting provides funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children. It supports a number of children who speak English as an additional language and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The setting is a member of the National Day Nursery Association.

    What the setting needs to do to improve further

    To further improve the quality of the early years provision the provider should:

    strengthen partnerships working by ensuring all parents receive consistent information about their child's progress and ways to support this at home, so that opportunities to promote continuity in children's learning are always maximised

    strengthen the programme of professional development by providing more opportunities for highly qualified practitioners to coach and share their expertise and knowledge with others.

    Inspection judgements

    How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend

    Practitioners effectively promote children's progression because they have a good understanding of the learning and development requirements. For example, they are actively involved in children's play and they use a good range of open-ended questions when interacting with them. This means children positively engage in their play and it supports them in sharing their ideas. It also encourages children to explore and think what else is possible when finding solutions. This means children are active and motivated learners, who approach their play with enthusiasm. Through their observations and assessments practitioners know children well and this means they have a good understanding of each child's abilities, likes and needs. They effectively use this information to plan a wide range of experiences across the areas of learning to support their individual needs. For example, practitioners provide a variety of familiar props in their 'story boxes' to support babies early communication and language skills. In addition, when exploring the props, practitioners provide good eye contact and they introduce simple words, such as duck. As a result, babies laugh, babble and blow raspberries in response to these positive interactions with practitioners. Older children are confident speakers and they engage easily in conversations with their peers and practitioners. For example, during role play older children make up their own storylines and they listen to the ideas expressed by their peers. In addition, during everyday conversations, practitioners listen to children and provide the time for them to talk about their own experiences without being rushed. This means children are confident to talk about their own experiences, such as explaining to practitioners that they have seen pictures of Egypt and the pyramids on the television.

    All children have access to books. For example, younger children listen attentively to stories, they talk about what they see and they eagerly predict what will happen next in the story. This fosters well children's early literacy. In addition, older children are eager to write their own name and they make lists when engaging in role play activities. Children also learn about sounds and letters through fun songs and letter of the week. As a result, older children recognise letters from their names. Practitioners effectively promote children's mathematical development. For example, through fun activities children are encouraged to count. For example, younger children count how many scoops of soil they need to fill their plant pot. In addition, through rhymes and songs younger children learn about number and other mathematical concepts. For example, when singing 'Tommy thumb' they use language, such as up, down, big, small and tall. Furthermore, older children talk about number when making their clocks and they confidently name different shapes when playing with the dough.

    Practitioners provide good opportunities for children to explore a wide variety of different media and textures, such as materials, ribbons, dough, sand, water, shaving foam and paint. This provides good opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. For example, babies squeeze, prod and manipulate different objects and younger children develop good hand to eye coordination as they fill and empty containers in the sand and water. In addition, older children use a wide variety of tools and equipment with skill and control. For example, scissors, pencils, cutters and construction materials that they have to twist, slot and push together. All children enjoy taking part in physical activities. For example, older children thoroughly enjoy throwing and kicking balls and they confidently climb and balance on small apparatus. Practitioners provide the space and freedom for babies to roll, crawl and shuffle as they start to explore their environment. For example, as babies start to take their first independent steps they provide low-level equipment so that they can pull themselves up. In addition, by using the indoor hall as well as outdoors, younger children crawl through tunnels and they enjoy playing with the push-a-long toys and trikes. This means all children are physically active. Practitioners provide plenty of opportunities and activities to effectively promote children's development in expressive arts and design. For instance, all children enjoy exploring musical instruments and they enthusiastically join in rhymes and songs. Through a wide variety of arts and crafts, such as paint, sticking, dough and shaving foam, children are able to express their own ideas and thoughts. For example, older children design and build their own models with the dough and construction bricks.

    Children have good opportunities to use their imagination. For example, they access a wide range of role play experiences, such as playing shops and pretending to make tea. They put the baby to bed and use their hospital set to make their dolls better. Children are effectively learning about the world in which they live. All children go on outings in the local community, for example, they visit the local library and parks. In addition, they invite different people into the setting, such as the fire service and police. This supports children in learning about the occupations and ways of life of different people in their community. Through resources, posters, books and activities that celebrate different cultural events and festivals, children are developing positive attitudes and respect towards others. Practitioners actively involve children in planting and growing activities and they talk to them about seasonal changes, the days of the week and weather. In addition, children learn about simple technology through accessing a wide variety of resources. For example, babies access toys that they need to press buttons and lift flaps to make them work and older children are competent in using the computer. In addition, when playing with the 'computerised bee', younger children understand they need to press certain directional buttons to make the bee move. These activities effectively promote children's progression in understanding the world.

    Children are effectively supported in becoming independent learners. For example, children of all ages are able to make their own choices in play and practitioners consider their likes when planning for their learning. This results in children being happy, enthusiastic and motivated learners. Through effective planning and meeting children's individual needs, practitioners prepare children well for their next stage in learning, such as starting school. For example, through role play and dressing up, children pretend to play at schools. This provides good opportunities for them to talk about their fears and expectations. In addition, children have their lunch in the hall. This mirrors practice in school because children get used to leaving their learning environment to have their lunch.

    Practitioners fully understand the importance of involving parents in their child's learning. For example, they receive good information on how the Early Years Foundation Stage is delivered. In addition, daily dairies for babies and younger children ensure parents know how their child's day has gone. For example, how long they have slept. Practitioners hold yearly parents' evenings so that they can share and discuss children's individual progress. In addition, parents are able to access their child's progress records at any time. Practitioners are always looking at ways to improve these records. This means they have introduced additional forms to provide more information to parents, such as progress summary records and activity plans and evaluations. As a result, some practitioners are still working out what to include in these documents. This means there is a little inconsistency in the balance of information they are currently sharing with parents. For example, some practitioners are recording what activities parents can do to support children's learning. Whereas others are recording children's next steps, but less information on ways for parents to support this. This means practitioners are not providing maximum opportunities for some parents to support their child's already sharply focused learning. Practitioners work very well with parents if there are significant emerging concerns or if children have an identified special educational need or disability. For example, they regularly share information and they work together to agree plans so that individual learning is targeted and tailored to each child's specific needs.

    The contribution of the early years provision to the well-being of children

    When children first start at the setting practitioners gather detailed information from parents about children's individual needs, likes and routines. This effectively contributes to meeting children's needs and it promotes continuity in their care. For example, practitioners ensure they build into the day babies' individual routines, such as their sleeping and feeding patterns. They also encourage children to bring comfort items, such as blankets and favourite toys that help them settle. This provides security and reassurance for children. This, alongside an effective key person system means that there are strong bonds, attachments and good relationships between the children and practitioners. As a result, children are happy and they feel safe and settled in the setting. Successful key person arrangements also contribute to effectively supporting children's transitions across the setting. For example, when children move rooms, key persons go with them on visits and they ensure they share any relevant information with new carers. Consequently, children's progress, their likes and routines so that continuity is effectively promoted as children move around the setting.

    Practitioners are friendly and they provide a welcoming environment for children. For example, they display children's work and photographs of their family around the setting. This provides familiarity for children and a sense of belonging. Children's behaviour is good. This is because practitioners are positive role models for children. In addition, they provide consistent routines and boundaries so that children know what is expected of them. For example, practitioners effectively praise children's achievements and they calmly explain to them the consequences of their behaviour. This results in children having confidence and high self-esteem. In addition, children know that it is kind to share and take turns. This results in them having cooperative and harmonious relationships with their peers. Overall, children's personal, social and emotional development is effectively promoted and their transitions to other settings are supported.

    Children are cared for in a safe and clean learning environment. Practitioners manage this effectively through their regular safety checks, detailed risk assessments and close supervision of children. As a result, good safety precautions are in place to minimise hazards and accidents. Through play and routines, children have a good understanding of ways in which they can keep themselves safe. For example, practitioners ensure babies have the space and freedom to freely explore their environment, while being under their close supervision. In addition, older children talk about road safety on outings and younger children are reminded about how to use equipment safely. For example, how to hold scissors and why they must toys away so that they do not trip over them.

    Practitioners effectively promote the all-round development and health of children. For example, they implement a wide range of policies and procedures, such as managing illness, administrating medication and dealing with infectious illness. In addition, through regular cleaning routines, effective nappy changing procedures and sterilisation of babies' equipment, they effectively minimise the risk of infection and illness. Children also benefit from eating a healthy and nutritious diet. For example, the setting menus incorporate all food groups, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables so that children have good opportunities to make healthy choices. Through walks, making use of the park and daily access to outdoor play, children have ample opportunities to access fresh air and to be active. This effectively promotes their physical development and encourages them to lead a healthy lifestyle. All children from an early age are encouraged to practise good hygiene routines so that they learn about keeping themselves well. For example, all children wash their hands at appropriate times throughout the day and older children talk about how germs can make them ill. Older children understand that by covering their mouths when they cough, they are not spreading their germs.

    The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision

    Practitioners have a good understanding of their responsibilities in promoting and safeguarding children's welfare. Through training, all practitioners have a good understanding of the potential signs of abuse and neglect. This effectively contributes to protecting children from harm. In addition, the setting has a detailed and comprehensive safeguarding policy in place. This means all practitioners; including students and volunteers understand the procedures for reporting concerns. The setting maintains a wide range of detailed documentation, policies and procedures. These are effectively implemented by practitioners and results in keeping children safe. For example, practitioners fully understand why they cannot use their mobile phones in the setting. In addition, documentation includes robust evidence of suitably checks on practitioners, comprehensive risk assessments and detailed information regarding individual children. Practitioners are effectively deployed around the setting and this contributes to maintaining adult to child ratios. This includes employing additional practitioners to cover lunch breaks. Effective deployment and management of ratios ensures children are supervised well in their play.

    Practitioners' commitment, drive and ambition to promoting improvement is good. Through reflective practice, regular staff meetings, self-evaluation and detailed action plans, the setting is proactive in bringing about positive change for children. For example, their detailed actions plans outline the ongoing refurbishment of the environment to enhance children's learning. Also individual room action plans means that practitioners are effectively monitoring the educational programmes. For example, the recent enhancement of additional resources that promote diversity contribute to younger children learning about differences, people and communities. Practitioners have successfully addressed recommendations made at the last inspection. For example, by carrying out more evacuation practices children have a better understanding of what they need to do in an emergency. In addition, practitioners have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities because they are now involved in the reviewing and updating of policies and procedures. This contributes to effectively safeguarding children. Through questionnaires parents are actively involved in self-evaluation and following their feedback positive improvements have been made. For example, all practitioners now wear name badges and their photographs and qualifications are displayed in the entrance so parents know who everyone is. This promotes good communication and information sharing with parents.

    Practitioners are encouraged to complete an early years qualification and as a result, a high proportion of them have gained a qualification at level 3 or above. In addition, there are some good arrangements in place to manage performance. For example, through inductions and appraisals, practitioners fully understand their role and they have good opportunities to discuss their personal effectiveness. Some practitioners have recently completed a degree and through their research they have gained a wealth of knowledge on how young children learn. For example, schemas and the characteristics of effective learning. Management recognises this knowledge is invaluable and very beneficial in supporting less experienced practitioners. However, ways to disseminate and share this knowledge to support others is not yet fully embedded in practice in order to enhance learning opportunities for children.

    Practitioners have good relationships with parents and because of effective communication and information sharing children's needs are met. For example, the use of daily dairies promotes continuity in children's care. Information from parental questionnaires establishes that parents are happy with the care and education their children receive. For example, they express how the atmosphere of the setting if happy and friendly and that practitioners are caring towards their children. Practitioners work very well with other professionals and agencies involved in children's learning and care. They have strong links with the local children centre and other professionals use the premises to hold groups and meetings. For example, local health visitors hold weaning sessions and breast feeding groups at the setting. This builds strong links with the community. In addition, practitioners seek their advice on current practice, such as weaning so that they can implement this in the setting. This contributes to effectively promoting children's' health and well-being. Practitioners have regular discussions with any other professionals involved in children's learning, such as physiotherapists or speech and language therapists. This means all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities or English as an additional language are effectively supported in their learning.

    What inspection judgements mean

    Registered early years provision
    Grade 1
    Outstanding provision is highly effective in meeting the needs of all children exceptionally well. This ensures that children are very well prepared for the next stage of their learning.
    Grade 2
    Good provision is effective in delivering provision that meets the needs of all children well. This ensures children are ready for the next stage of their learning.
    Grade 3
    Satisfactory provision is performing less well than expectations in one or more of the key areas. It requires improvement in order to be good.
    Grade 4
    Provision that is inadequate requires significant improvement and/or enforcement action. The provision is failing to give children an acceptable standard of early years education and/or is not meeting the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. It will be inspected again within 12 months of the date of this inspection.

    The provision has no children on roll. The inspection judgement is that the provider continues to meet the requirements for registration.
    Not met

    The provision has no children on roll. The inspection judgement is that the provider does not meet the requirements for registration.

    This inspection was carried out by Ofsted under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 on the quality and standards of provision that is registered on the Early Years Register. The registered person must ensure that this provision complies with the statutory framework for children’s learning, development and care, known as the Early Years Foundation Stage.

    Setting details
    Unique reference number
    Local authority
    Inspection number
    Type of provision

    Registration category
    Childcare - Non-Domestic
    Age range of children
    0 - 5
    Total number of places
    Number of children on roll
    Name of provider
    The Unity Centre Ltd
    Date of previous inspection
    Telephone number
    0114 281 2864 or 0114 281 2865

    ‘Complaints procedure: raising concerns and making complaints about Ofsted’, which is available from Ofsted’s website: www.ofsted.gov.uk. If you would like Ofsted to send you a copy of the guidance, please telephone 0300 123 4234, or email enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk.
    Any complaints about the inspection or the report should be made following the procedures set out in the guidance

    Type of provision

    For the purposes of this inspection the following definitions apply:

    Full-time provision is that which operates for more than three hours. These are usually known as nurseries, nursery schools and pre-schools and must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage. They are registered on the Early Years Register and pay the higher fee for registration.

    Sessional provision operates for more than two hours but does not exceed three hours in any one day. These are usually known as pre-schools, kindergartens or nursery schools and must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage. They are registered on the Early Years Register and pay the lower fee for registration.

    Childminders care for one or more children where individual children attend for a period of more than two hours in any one day. They operate from domestic premises, which are usually the childminder’s own home. They are registered on the Early Years Register and must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage.

    Out of school provision may be sessional or full-time provision and is delivered before or after school and/or in the summer holidays. They are registered on the Early Years Register and must deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage. Where children receive their Early Years Foundation Stage in school these providers do not have to deliver the learning and development requirements in full but should complement the experiences children receive in school.